
Geotechnical Design
Although similar with Earth Retaining Structure which maintain the shape of excavation during construction, Geotechnical Structure is an analysis of the ground-water regime and it influence on the wall stability and integrity of the geotechnical building works over time.
Geotechnical Building Works (GBW) can include tunneling works, excavation & earth retaining structures and foundation works. Plans submission is required to include site investigation report with PE certification.
For more information, please refer to the BCA Submission Requirement.
Geotechnical Design Examples:
a. Deep foundation piles – E.g. Bored Piles, RC piles, Spun piles etc. (Foundations supporting building structures above ground).
b. Shallow foundation design. E.g. Footing and rafts
c. Trench wall stability check for D-Wall and bored piles installation (Temporary bored holes).